we stood on the helipad tarmac seeing his tiny sleeping body tightly strapped
in a gurney waiting to be placed on the helicopter before us, I wept at
the thought of him waking up having no idea where he was and where we
were. Oh my heart was screaming! But there was no place for
me. I was insufficient. I could only resign myself to surrender.
Surrender my trust to the One who truly deserves it. To His truth,
that He would be with Declan as he flew away into the darkness
alone. There was nothing in my power I could do. But there was nothing
that God couldn’t do. Declan was not alone. My God was with Him.
Watching him lift off, the immense sound of that huge aircraft, the force of wind
pushing us back, seeing it slowly disappear into the night, was no less than
horrific to my Mama’s heart. I was desperate for God to indeed keep
His promises. “I will never leave You, I will never leave Declan, nor
forsake Him”. And He did not.
& Wyatt came back for me. My parents followed. As we drove, let’s
just say “quickly” the 1 ½ hours drive to catch up to him, I was
emotional exhausted. Finally, the hospital called us once they landed and
we were able to hear Declan’s voice on the phone. He DID wake up.
Right away as the props wound up. And he was awake the whole time!
We asked, “Were you scared? Was it ok?” He said, “It was ok...Loud...I just
saw black outside the windows, but not scared.” His voice sounded as
though they sedated him. Calm, slow, sleepy but definitely not scared. No
weeping, wailing, and no sedating was needed. He remained still throughout the
flight. Our little boy was still. Only God’s power and presence could be
able to give calm to our very strong and expressive little boy. Only the
Peace Giver. My heart was overwhelmed that the worst fear of not being
the one to hold him, protect him was extinguished, yes that firey arrow of the
enemy had no power over that moment, over my child’s heart. I had to admit,
I was humbled to my place before the Almighty God. Declan’s ultimate and
perfect Father.
are grateful, for the mercy and favor of our God. For the “best case
scenario” for Declan. For the beautiful team of doctors, nurses and techs
who cared for him throughout this time. And for the many many many
prayers lifted up through it all.
happens. And yes, with it comes trials. I’m not gonna lie and say “Bring
it on, I look forward to it.” But through each experience this short life
brings, I will remember. I will remember His hand holding my little
son when I could not. I will remember that God’s protection turned him in
such a way that the impact could have been even worse, but it wasn’t. And
I will remember the very moment when I could feel that this trial was coming to
a close and a new, better, keen awareness of His presence was found in my
heart and mind. And for that, I am grateful. Yes, even for
the trial.
thank each of you who prayed for us and little Declan through this.
We are grateful especially for you.
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